The Newsletter of the Deeds Not Words Community

November 29th, 2016 | Deeds Digest No. 28

Hello #ChangeMakers!

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, we at Deeds Not Words are turning our attention to the work that lies ahead.  And on this #GIVINGTUESDAY we are asking you to consider giving either a gift of action or a gift of resources to help us inspire the actions of others.

Truth be told, I’ve been in a bit of a funk post November 8. But, after hearing from so many of you about your desire to take action and to fight for our shared values, I come to you this week with a reignited fire and even more faith in what we can collectively achieve in the upcoming year, regardless of which administration governs us.

But we can’t wait til the new year to act. The holidays are a time to enjoy with loved ones but also to give back to those who could use a bit more love. GivingTuesday is a great place to start. Things might get quite complicated starting in January, but our best plan of action is actually quite simple.  We’re asking you to either DO or DOnate something before the year’s end. I promise it will break you out any funk you may still be suffering.

We love to work with young women like you, helping you change the world one Deed at a time, but we need your help too! As you review the many charities deserving of your precious dollars in this season of giving, we hope you will consider us. A gift of just $20.17 will fund our action work and could help make 2017 that much better for women across this country.  And if you don’t give to us, perhaps consider donating a gift to your local women’s shelter, either a toy or clothing item for sheltered kids who won’t be spending their holiday at home this year or another basic item that shelter families often need.

Now that I have a grandchild (pictured below), my reason for this work has never been more clear to me. Watching my daughter Amber balance work and family has renewed my focus on the need for paid family leave policies that work for working families. Amber is fortunate to work from home and has been able to care for her little girl while also contributing to her family’s bottom line.


But there are many mothers (and fathers!) who aren’t as fortunate. They work long hours away from loved ones and do not have the benefit of family leave policies that will give them needed time to care for loved ones who need them.

With them in mind, our DEED OF THE WEEK is easy. When you’re Christmas shopping in the coming days, consider using your purchasing power to ensure that the companies you support with your holiday gift-buying are ones who provide ample parental leave to their employees.  Let’s send a message to those companies that we support them because they support us.

Whether you DOnate unused items, money or time this week, I hope you’ll commit to DOing something to improve the lives of your fellow women.  

You’re filled with grit and determination and your power is limitless #ChangeMakers. I’m thrilled you are committed to using it.

- Wendy

Everyone hopes for a speedy recovery when they’re sick, but family time isn’t an illness. Read Lena Dunham’s take on why we have to change the narrative on paid leave.

This holiday season, women need more than just time with their families. Read up on which items are most needed at women’s shelters and consider what your closet can bear to lose!

Moms deserve time off with their kids, and dads do too! ICYMI: check out why Nev from MTV’s Catfish supports paid leave for both parents.

Babies demand food, shelter. What happens if parents can’t stay home to care for them? Make It Work shows us. #BabyOutbreak

PL+US’s report on paid family leave has us changing our holiday gift lifts, and everyday shopping decisions! Check out where your favorite companies stack up.



We can all do our part by patronizing companies that offer employees paid family leave, outlined in the report above. You can also sign a letter to 29 top companies who refused to disclose their leave policies to help move this issue forward with the click of a button.

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As mentioned above, DOnations are as greatly needed as actions to keep our work moving forward. Please consider making a gift to Deeds Not Words - it's tax-deductible!

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