The Newsletter of the Deeds Not Words Community

November 7th, 2016 | Deeds Digest Ten Who Mattered

Hello #ChangeMakers!

2016 has come to an end and what a year it's been.

Many of us have faced trials and tribulations these past twelve months, both personally and as a country. I've even seen the word "trashfire" thrown around more than a time or two on young friends' social media feeds to describe their feelings about 2016.

But we’ve also had opportunity for inspiration. Just the other day, I was inspired by the great Jennifer Lopez's recent Instagram post which reminded us to reflect on our feelings of gratitude, even when we’re feeling down. This Christmas, she let the magic of her tree's glow transport her through memories of the past year, landing on the conclusion that she had a whole lot to be grateful for. I feel the same way!

I am so grateful for the incredible privilege I have had to engage with strong, capable women like yourselves, both through this newsletter and, more importantly, in person across the country. Yes, 2016 brought me disappointment, but it also brought me the gift of you and the power that you bring to our Deeds Not Words community. And we're just getting started!
Below is a brief reflection on some of my favorite moments since our founding in March. All of them involve seeing your faces full of passion and hearing your voices full of fire. I hope that you too take a moment to pause and reflect on what you have to be grateful for in this past year and to remember those moments where you felt proud, or happy or fulfilled.

At Deeds, we are committed to tapping into our power as individuals and as a community in order to do some amazing work in 2017. We’ll be on college campuses in several states, providing advocacy trainings and guiding our community to become an active part of legislative change. And we’ll continue to provide a myriad of ways that you can “DO” something to make a difference as part of our online community.

If you're committed to our cause, please help us with the following 'Do' this week to build our community:

  • Forward this email to a friend who doesn't yet receive the Deeds Digest so they can sign up to subscribe
  • Invite a friend to 'like' our page on Facebook
  • Tag a friend in a recent post on our Instagram

The more women (and men!) we bring on board, the more voices we’ll harness to to help promote, and protect, our rights. We have big plans in the works to make this happen, and can't wait to share them with you next year.

Time to shake off what ailed us this past year and shake up our communities. If 2016 was a "trashfire", let's use it to light a fire in the torches we bear as #ChangeMakers, bringing light with us into 2017.  Happy New Year my dear friends.  Let’s make it a good one!!!
- Wendy

March, 2016: We launched our idea here in Austin at South by Southwest, ensuring women's empowerment was top of mind on the SXgood agenda.
Image: Charles Reagan

March, 2016: Wendy kicked off the University of Utah's Women's Week by discussing the implications of removing access to reproductive health care.
Image: Charles Reagan

April, 2016: Wendy and students at Notre Dame discussed the importance of embracing the word 'feminism' to push women's needs forward.

September, 2016: Deeds Not Words hosted a Rejoice for Choice voter registration rally at Jo's Coffee in Austin to remind young women that we "can't take our foot off the gas pedal, and we've got to keep working".

October, 2016: Wendy moderated a roundtable discussion at George Washington University in D.C. alongside former US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on the intersectional need to prevent gun violence.

December, 2016: Deeds Not Words headed to Southern Methodist University for a panel discussion to end child sex trafficking in Texas led by students at Irma Rangel, Skyline High School and Barack Obama Male Leadership Academy in Dallas.

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PO Box 6009
Austin, TX 78762